2023 VISUAL ARTist
Self Head 2, 2023, wood, 65” x 52” x 70”
Sequoyah Aono
Number corresponds to exhibition map
15. Self Head 2, 2023, wood, 65” x 52” x 70”
About Sequyah Aono
Sequoyah Aono is an American-Japanese sculptor. Born in Italy, raised in Japan, he is currently based in New York. In 2007, he graduated from the Department of Sculpture at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Recipient of numerous awards, including: Roger T. Williams Prize – National Sculpture Society; Yoshino Gypsum Art Foundation for ISE NY Exhibition (Japan); 3rd Prize, Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery (Washington, DC); National Endowment for the Arts Grant (USA); 1st Prize at the 2nd International Sculptors Symposium in Ahrntal Valley (Italy); Grants for Overseas Study – Pola Art Foundation; ISE Cultural Foundation Award; Arakawa Award and the Tokyo Governor Award. Scholarship holder e.g.: Ruth Katzman Scholarship for The League Residency (2015), Nessa Cohen Grant (2012), Model to Monument Project (2011), Edward G. McDowell Travel Grant (2010).
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